Designed to complement any garden, The 4 x 3m BillyOh Fraya Wooden Log Cabin is a highly versatile and adaptable garden building. The Fraya features a contemporary pent design and modern front overhang, adding style as well as practicality. You can customise certain aspects of this Log Cabin to suit your tastes and needs. Floor, roof and felt included. Range of sizes and 44m or 28mm thickness available....Read More...»»
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Price on the up? Buy today! Follow the Price History for 4 x 3 log cabin summerhouse billyoh fraya pent log cabin 28mm thickness wooden log cabin summer houses 4m x 3.0m
Click here to check the prices for 4 x 3 log cabin summerhouse billyoh fraya pent log cabin 28mm thickness wooden log cabin summer houses 4m x 3.0m on Amazon...
Compare prices for 4 x 3 Log Cabin Summerhouse - BillyOh Fraya Pent Log Cabin - 28mm Thickness Wooden Log Cabin Summer Houses - 4m x 3.0m - Buy 4 x 3 Log Cabin Summerhouse - BillyOh Fraya Pent Log Cabin - 28mm Thickness Wooden Log Cabin Summer Houses - 4m x 3.0m prices checked on February 19, 2025